Keely- Irish, from the surname O' Caollaidhe, referring to the male descendant of a person called "the slim one" or "skinny". There is also the form Keighley, which is both a place name and a surname in English. It means "the farm of Cyhha" which was an old personal name. I am not sure when this name came into usage as a first name, but there was a girl that I grew up with named Keely. The name fit her perfectly.
Lettice - a form of Leticia.
Mairwen - Welsh, from Mair, a form of the Hebrew name Mary and Gwen meaning "fair" or "white" or "blessed"
Careful, careful, with assumptions. Napoleon, the man, may have been Emperor of France, but his name comes from the Italian Napoleone meaning "Naples' lion" (neo - new, polis - city, leone - lion....... napoleone)
Odón - a form of the name Odo, which is a form of Otto or Otho and derives from the German root meaning "possessor of wealth". Odón spelled like this is the Spanish version, pronounced "oh doan', with the emphasis on the second syllable. Spelled Ödön it is the Hungarian form of Edmond, which means 'wealthy protector'. Though I wonder if that might not also be seen as 'wealth protector' or 'protector of wealth', which to me is a different meaning entirely from 'wealthy protector'. There is a famous saint known in French as Saint Odón of Cluny who lived in the Middle Ages and is also known as Saint Odo of Cluny.

Quinlan- Irish, meaning "strong" or "well-formed" or "athletic".
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