In 2014 I featured a series of blog posts introducing you to 2,014 names. For the most part they were names that were brand new to me as well. Some names may be more familiar but I found the meaning or origin or some other aspect of the name made it worthy of inclusion here. You may love some of the names, you may hate some, but hopefully you enjoy learning about all of them.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Thought I would post my favorite names right now.

James Phillip
Seth Richard
Thomas Edgar

Liessa Anna (pronounced "lee ay suh". It's a medieval Spanish name and very rare)
Elizabeth Sophie or Elizabeth Phoebe or Elizabeth Linda or Elizabeth Clara
Katherine Phoebe or Katherine Portia or Katherine Lily or Katherine Lilia

Well, really I'm not entirely happy with the middle names for Seth and Liessa and obviously I'm having trouble making my mind up about Elizabeth and Katherine. Not to worry though, as these lists are just for fun!

1 comment:

  1. I've always thought Katherine is a great name. Thanks to Anne of Green Gables ;)
