I was tagged by Beth to answer this Saturday Social question: Are you a procrastinator? I don't think anyone who knows me will let me get away with anything but the truth. I am most certainly a procrastinator.
I tag Andy, Mom, and Manja (this means you need to answer this question on your own blogs).
Social Rules:
1. Post your answer to the Saturday Social question(s) in your blog. Be sure to put in a link to who tagged you too!
2. Come back, sign Mr. Linky and why not leave me a comment too ;)
3. Tag your friends... better yet, tag a stranger (what better way to meet someone new!) You can tag 1 or 100, it is up to you. The more you tag, the more you will meet.
4. Visit other Saturday Social participants by clicking their names in Mr. Linky! Hopefully when all is said and done you will have met some new bloggers, gained a few new readers and had fun!
Robert Frost's poem "A Cliff Dwelling" reminds me of the people who must have lived here "Oh years ago--ten thousand years" and enjoyed the beauty and safety of a cliff. A place "to rest from his besetting fears". Welcome to mine.
In 2014 I featured a series of blog posts introducing you to 2,014 names. For the most part they were names that were brand new to me as well. Some names may be more familiar but I found the meaning or origin or some other aspect of the name made it worthy of inclusion here. You may love some of the names, you may hate some, but hopefully you enjoy learning about all of them.
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Find Names By Origin
Abenaki African-Twi Akkadian Albanian Algonquian American Amorite Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aragonese Aramaic Araucan Armenian Assyrian Asturian Avestan Azeri Babylonian Basque Belarusian Benin Bosnian Brazilian Portuguese Breton Bulgarian Catalan Celtic Chechen Chinese Coptic Cornish Croatian Czech Dacian Dakota Sioux Danish Dutch Egyptian English Eskimo Estonian Faroese Finnish Flemish Frankish French Frisian Gaelic Galician Gaulish German Gothic Greek Hawaiian Hebrew Hittite Hungarian Hurrian Igbo Indonesian Iranian Irish Gaelic Italian Japanese Javanese Ladino Latin Latvian Limburgish Malayalam Mandinka Manx Maori Mongolian Mormon Nahuatl Nigerian Norman Norse Norwegian Occitan Ojibwe Persian Phoenician Pictish Polish Portuguese Proto-Indo-European Quahadi Roman Russian Sabine Saimogaitian Sanskrit Saxon Scottish Semitic Shakespearean Silurian Sindarin Slavic Slavonic Slovak Sogdian Spanish Sumerian Swahili Swedish Tongan Turkic Vietnamese Visigothic Welsh Xitsonga Yiddish Yoruba
Abenaki African-Twi Akkadian Albanian Algonquian American Amorite Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aragonese Aramaic Araucan Armenian Assyrian Asturian Avestan Azeri Babylonian Basque Belarusian Benin Bosnian Brazilian Portuguese Breton Bulgarian Catalan Celtic Chechen Chinese Coptic Cornish Croatian Czech Dacian Dakota Sioux Danish Dutch Egyptian English Eskimo Estonian Faroese Finnish Flemish Frankish French Frisian Gaelic Galician Gaulish German Gothic Greek Hawaiian Hebrew Hittite Hungarian Hurrian Igbo Indonesian Iranian Irish Gaelic Italian Japanese Javanese Ladino Latin Latvian Limburgish Malayalam Mandinka Manx Maori Mongolian Mormon Nahuatl Nigerian Norman Norse Norwegian Occitan Ojibwe Persian Phoenician Pictish Polish Portuguese Proto-Indo-European Quahadi Roman Russian Sabine Saimogaitian Sanskrit Saxon Scottish Semitic Shakespearean Silurian Sindarin Slavic Slavonic Slovak Sogdian Spanish Sumerian Swahili Swedish Tongan Turkic Vietnamese Visigothic Welsh Xitsonga Yiddish Yoruba
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Genealogy Update

Well, I went to the genealogy library for a couple of hours today. This trip wasn't as profitable as other trips have been. Or it didn't feel that way. And I probably won't be going on a Sunday again til April 27th, the last Sunday in April, since Easter precludes any genealogy on the fourth Sunday this month and I will be camping the second weekend in April (which is not the 8th, like I had thought, but the 12th, and yay! looks like my roommate will go with me so I won't be on my own.)
Anyhow, I found information on people I cannot yet connect to our lines and also a couple of families that do connect, but they are not direct ancestors or very closely related. That's why it felt less profitable, I guess. Hopefully next time will be better.
However, I don't think I shared with you what I found on the Foremans last time. I found a ton of information on this Kidwell family that ties into our Foreman line this way: My mother is Linda Lockhart, her father is William James Lockhart, his father was James Harrison Lockhart, his mother was Mary Jane Foreman, her father was John A. Foreman, his father was Amos Foreman, and his father was David Foreman. David also had a son named David who had a son named Austin who married a Joanna Kidwell. So, Austin Foreman (who lived in the 1800s) and I are first cousins, five times removed. A slightly closer relation would be David Foreman, II, who is my fourth great grand uncle. David Foreman, II (who was Austin's father) married Frances Kidwell. Oh wait, am I saying that Austin Foreman married someone with the same last name as his mother? Yes, I am. Austin and Joanna were first cousins. Which wouldn't be so bad if they were the only relations we have who married their first cousin, but they are just a drop in the bucket. The next time you sneeze, you can thank our Virginia roots and the inclination to marry your cousin! Anyway, back on topic. In case you wanted to add these people to your records, the children of Frances and David Foreman, II were: Hiram, Ann, Henry, Ellen, Austin, Mary, David Foreman, III, Jacob, John, Lucinda, and Louisa. I have more information on these people (and of course, the Kidwells), if you are interested.
I've included a family tree that shows the parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents of our Amos Foreman (my 4th great-grandfather). You can click on the image to see a larger version.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Canyonlands Camping Trip
Just one month to go before I go on my Canyonlands camping trip, yippee! For those interested, I will not be going camping the first weekend in May as that is when my brother-in-law's graduation is. Hopefully I can go camping the third week in May (the weekend after Mother's Day). Either to Goblin Valley or Dead Horse Point, I think. Also, there is no camping trip planned for Memorial Day weekend, as that is when my sister-in-law's baby is due. Although, if the baby comes early, I will go camping in the mountains that weekend. If not, I plan to go the weekend after Memorial Day. Maybe down near Mom and Dad's.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Genealogy This Sunday
For anyone interested, I'm going to the BYU Family History Center this Sunday to do research. Feel free to join me.
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