In 2014 I featured a series of blog posts introducing you to 2,014 names. For the most part they were names that were brand new to me as well. Some names may be more familiar but I found the meaning or origin or some other aspect of the name made it worthy of inclusion here. You may love some of the names, you may hate some, but hopefully you enjoy learning about all of them.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Song of the Day: Talk and X & Y

Well, I missed doing a song of the day yesterday, so that one is Talk, which I really like (and I think the video is fun) and X & Y. Actually, there are two videos for Talk: the music video and a live performance at the Grammys. And really, the X & Y clip is not a video, but the only way I could find for you to hear the song. Oh, for a bonus, I've added an interview the band did about making this album (X & Y).

Also, a comment about some Coldplay fans. I see comments that they only liked Parachutes or A Rush of Blood to the Head. Those two probably are better than X & Y, but have they not listened to the new cd? I think it's fantastic and better than all 3 of the previous albums. I don't know exactly what it is they don't like about the new cd, I am just honestly incapable of seeing what flaws it has or why someone wouldn't like it.





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